Alex Winters – Solo Artist Interview

Award-winning Austin singer-songwriter Alex Winters will be performing tonight, November 21, at the Two Rivers Tavern in Georgetown, Texas, to celebrate the release of her latest EP “Black Roses.” She is partnering with The Georgetown Project, a nonprofit organization that helps the youth become caring, capable and resilient individuals. Alex spoke with us today about her partnership with the organization and her upcoming EP.

Alex Winters is an accomplished musician who routinely plays in the Austin and Georgetown area. It’s been five years since she has released a new record, and her latest EP “Black Roses” is a collection of her newest work over the past few years. She has described her sound as “pop rock with a hint of Country and a dash of Blues.” Though on her new EP, she is going for more of an edgy sound.

Her performance at Two Rivers tonight will have Georgetown rocking as she plays the record with a full band and $3 from each ticket sold will be donated directly back to the charity. All tickets come with a copy of the new EP.

“I’m partnering with a local charity whose vision is to build a community where no child is hungry, hurt, alone, or rejected, and where all children and youth believe they are loved, respected and treated with dignity,” Alex said. “I am at a pretty good place in my life now and I wanted to find an organization that was doing amazing things in the community for homeless kids. Through a bit of research I found exactly what I was looking for. When we approached them to see if they would be interested in partnering up for my new record release and they were all in.”

So anyone in the area looking for a live show, a free CD, and interested in helping a good cause should definitely show up.

A poet by nature, Alex’s songs are very lyric-based and she connects with her audience by telling stories of everyday life that they can relate to, such as love, loss, desire, abandonment and hope that are interwoven with dark twists and unexpected turns.

Executive Director of the Georgetown Project Leslie Janca said, “We are really excited to get to know Alex and truly appreciate this wonderful opportunity. To have such a talented musician connect with The Georgetown Project and reach out to help the kids we serve is just amazing! Alex understands that sometimes kids face what seem to be insurmountable challenges growing up and she is a shining example of what can happen when you persevere and follow your dreams. Her support through ‘Black Roses’ will make a big difference right here in her hometown.”

To stay up to date with Alex Winters, check her out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, iTunes, SoundCloud and her personal website.

To learn more about The Georgetown Project, visit the website here:

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